[CQ-Contest] software

Paul M. Elliott pelliott at flash.net
Mon Oct 13 14:29:41 EDT 1997


Check out LOGic Version 5 (due to start shipping in the next few weeks)
from PDA.  It should do everything you're looking for.  New version also
supports Internet DX clusters.   I've been a Beta tester for some of the
new version's capabilities, and it's very well done.  Looks like the
contesting capabilities will be considerably enhanced also.  You should
drop a note to the head honcho, Dennis WN4AZY, pda at hosenose.com.  Their web
site is http://www.hosenose.com -- there is a preview section with some
screen images from the new version.

DX hams on the reflector may want to note that the new version is also
available in languages other than English.  Nope, I didn't get paid to make
this pitch!

73 - Paul N3GPU
Westminster, MD

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