[CQ-Contest] W5FE DX QSL Service

Ray Rocker rocker at datasync.com
Fri Oct 17 12:55:44 EDT 1997

> This morning I finally managed to dig my way down to the bottom of my
> pile of bureau QSLs.  For a brief glorious moment, it was a fact that I
> had answered every QSL ever sent to me (with a return requested) and I
> had no pending QSL cards to answer.  How many other contesters can make
> the same statement?  But alas this afternoon the mailman undid all that
> again, so the victory over paperwork was short-lived.  I got another big
> stack from something called the "WF5E DX QSL Service".  Can anybody
> explain to me what this is and how it operates?

Try this: http://promet12.cineca.it/htdx/wf5e/wf5main.html

Basically it works like this: Joe DXer works a bunch of rare stations
that he wants QSLs from. Instead of looking up all of their QSL managers
and stuffing/stamping individual QSL requests, he sends the whole bunch
to WF5E along with a small per-card fee. 

WF5E thus gets lots of cards bound for each active DX station, and
sends them to each station's manager in batches with return postage,
like you've seen. 

The DX QSLs returned to WF5E are sent from there to Joe DXer's
incoming bureau where he gets them with his other bureau cards.

I use WF5E's service myself for cards that go direct or via managers,
and am quite pleased with it. 

-- Ray, WQ5L

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