[CQ-Contest] Awards for Low Power

Hans Brakob k0hb at juno.com
Thu Oct 30 08:55:11 EST 1997

Pedro Pedroso writes:

>	There is something about plaques I never understood,
>	why there is only plaques for the High Power enters !!??

Some contests do award low power plaques.  The ARRL November SS,
for example, awards 32 plaques (16 each CW and Phone) to Low Power
(<150W) winners, and another 32 plaques to QRP winners.  Of 
course these plaques do not come from ARRL, but from individuals,
clubs, or firms which donate them.

Ask the contest sponsor if you can donate a low power or 
single band (or whatever) plaque.

73, de Hans, K0HB

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