[CQ-Contest] Single - Multi Category?

CP2235 at aol.com CP2235 at aol.com
Fri Oct 31 07:29:38 EST 1997

<< I just spent over 4000.00 on a second rig,Dunestar
<< filters,and a set of Top Ten switches....so it's not just hard work.. 

scale that down to 1300 US$ for a second rig (used), second amp (used), and
homebrew filters and switches I spend for changing my station into a 2-radio
If you buy used and build some things by yourself it does not have to be that
Still, I agree it all consumes a large amount of money. 
There are a lot of categories already. I dont think we need a new one. You
can enter a lot of them without spending all the money. In fact, you can
enter ALL of them without being 100% equipped and have a LOT of fun - why
worry so much about competing against somebody who is better equipped? Dont
block your mind with that. 

73 Con DF4SA

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