[CQ-Contest] m/m station availability

David Robbins k1ttt at berkshire.net
Fri Sep 5 00:41:19 EDT 1997

The fall contest season is almost upon us, and once again
I am looking for someone to help organize contest operators
here.  I would really like to find someone who can take 
charge of arranging for operators for multi-multi efforts
for the major contests (CQWW SSB and CW for this fall anyway).
This involves finding operators, getting commitments, making
sure there are enough operators to man all the open bands,
finding last minute replacements for cancellations, etc...
Use your call, my call, or a club call.  If you use my call
I handle the qsl's and send in the logs, otherwise its up
to you.

If you are interested in doing other contests that is also 
possible.  We have done multi-op's for the ARRL SS, 10m, 
and 160m tests in the past, but single operator's are welcome 
also.  And any of the other contests that don't conflict with 
other things are open also.  And of course if there is no 
operation in progress you can come and work dx, everything 
needs to be exercised and tested some more.

Already committed are:

For those of you who have not visited my web page or been
here these are the particulars:

10m ts-930s, al-1200, 386dx25, dvp, ethernet
15m ts-940s, hf-2500, 386dx25, dvp, ethernet
20m ts-870s, alpha 77, 386dx25, dvp, ethernet
40m ts-940s, hf2500, 386dx25, dvp, ethernet
80m ts-940s, al-1500, 386dx40, dvp, ethernet
160m ts-940s, alpha 76, 386dx25, dvp, ethernet

10m 5.75 ele @90', 4 ele west @75', 3 ele south @30'
15m 8 ele @120', 4/4/4 ele europe @90/60/30', 4/4 ele west @105/75'
    3 ele south @30'
20m 6 ele @150', 4/4 ele europe @ 105/60' (60' on ring rotor)
    3 ele south @50'
40m 2 ele @120', 2 ele europe @60', dipole @30', raised base 4-square.
    6 directions of beverages about 600' long
80m 2 ele @150'(ne/sw switchable wire beam), raised base 4-square,
    inverted v @80'
    6 directions of beverages about 600' long
160m 2 raised base inverted l's 100' tall 1/2 wave apart,
    inverted v @150'
    6 directions of beverages about 600' long

Each band on its own operating table.
Bunkroom with 4 beds, 2 big couches, one recliner.
parking for 10-12 cars.  
Emergency power and snowshoes in case of blizzards.

Located about an hour east of Albany NY, 2-3 hours west of Boston MA,
2 hours north of Hartford CT, in the heart of the scenic Berkshire 
hills at 1900' above sea level.

David Robbins K1TTT (ex KY1H)
k1ttt at berkshire.net   or   robbins at berkshire.net

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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