[CQ-Contest] Re: LPL bandpass filters

Frank Donovan donovanf at sgate.com
Thu Sep 25 07:50:29 EDT 1997

Hello Con!

Good luck with your 'LPL Filter project!  Ceramic capacitors should be
okay, but I've never used them myself.  Silver micas should be available
for much less than $1.00 each, but I've purchased all of mine at hamfest
prices (a few cents each!).  My fairly old Newark Electronics catalog
shows "dipped mica" capacitors at about $0.50 each (page 309 Catalog 111)

Their international dept is (FAX) 312-638-7652  (voice) 312-784-5100

You can connect the inputs of up to four filters for adjacent bands
directly together.  If you are switching six filters, you can connect the
inputs of the 160-80-40M filters directoy together, same for 20-15-10.

Any good quality rotary switch should work fine for switching either
inputs or outputs.  Many hams have built these filters, the only slight
complication is alignment, but with the right tools (or help from a
friend) this is easily accomplished.

Good luck!
donovanf at sgate.com

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