[CQ-Contest] cq trophys

bagno at inm.ras.ru bagno at inm.ras.ru
Thu Sep 25 20:31:42 EDT 1997

On Sat, 20 Sep 1997, Dainius Savicius <LY1DS at omnitel.net> wrote:

>>The list is as follous:
>> 1. 1981  CQ WW WPX CW  SOAB Europe  UP2NK
>>     donor TF3CW
>> 2. 1981  CQ WW WPX CW  MOST World    UK2PCR
>>     donor N4KE
>> 3. 1982  CQ WW DX SSB   Contest Expedition World MO   EW6V
>>     donor "The YASME Award"
>> 4. 1982  CQ WW DX CW    Contest Expedition World MO   EW6V
>>     donor K2TT
>> 5. 1983  CQ WW DX CW     SOSB World-1.8 MHz- UP2BBT/U6V
>>     donor K7JA
>> 6. 1984  CQ WW WPX CW  MOMT World    RP3P
>>     donor North Florida DX Assn.
>> 7. 1984  CQ WW DX CW     SOSB  World-3.5 MHz  UP2NK/UF
>>     donor K6SSS
>> 8. 1985  CQ WW WPX CW  SOSB  World-3.5 MHz  UP2NK/UF
>>     donor Lance Johnson Eng.
>> 9. 1985  CQ WW DX CW      MOMT World    RF3V
>Most of these trophies are (was, at least) in Moscow
>hanged up on a walls at Krenkel Central Radio Club!
>73,  LY1DS

Dear friends, sorry for the bandwidth.

I guess Dan was just excited for a while.
None of trophys, which Gedas (LY3BA) asked for, were not received
by Krenkel Central Radioclub of Russia (CRC) at P.O.Box 88 Russia.

Here is a complete list of CQ Magazine Plaques, received since 1981 for
former USSR radioamateurs:

 1. No trophys were received from 1981 till September of 1986
 2. A plaque received on Sep 22, 1986 for EX6F for Asia Top in CQWW Phone 1984
 3. A plaque received on Sep 26, 1987 for RG6G for CQWW CW 1980
    (was sent from US on May 4, 1987)
 4. A plaques received on Nov 21, 1987 for RF0FWW for CQWW CW and
    SSB 1985 SOAB-1st in Asia (were sent from Japan)
 5. A plaque received on Jun 15, 1988 for UG6GAW for CQWW 160m CW
 6. A plaque received on Mar 22, 1989 for UG7GWO for CQWW 160m
 7. A plaque received on Mar 22, 1989 for UP9A (operated from Shaulai,
    Lithuania) for CQWW SSB and CW 1986 MOMB-EU 1st, hand over UP2BKT
    on May 5, 1989
 8. A plaque received on May 12, 1989 for UP2NK/UF6Q for CQWW CW 1987
    SOSB-1.8-World Winer, hand over UP2PAQ on Aug 4th 1989
 9. A plaque received on May 15, 1990 for RF6FKF for CQWW 160m SSB 1989.
    This plaque is still in CRC, because no direct address of awarded is known.
10. A plaques received on Jun 20, 1990 for RB5IOV for CQWW 160m SSB SO-EU 1st
    and for UL7MU for CQWW 160m CW 1989 SO-AS 1st
11. No CQ Magazine trophys were received at P.O. Box 88 Moscow
    since Jun 20, 1990 untill today (probably, some awards were received
    durind this period at Box 59 Moscow, which is not belong to CRC).

I had never seen any trophys
>hanged up on a walls at Krenkel Central Radio Club!
which were received for amateurs, sorry Dan.

73s and good luck in CQWW DX Contest 1997!

Dmitri, RW3FO
(I am not Krenkel CRC official, just assisting
to the club with computers and the Internet)

P.S. Results of CQ-M 1997 will be ready in a month
     and will be announced at CQ-Contest Reflector.
     HCSs are available at CRC Website.
 Dmitri Bagno, RW3FO              Krenkel Central Radioclub of Russia
 rw3fo at qsl.net                         http://www.mai.ru/partners/CRC
                              Soon website address will be changed to

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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