[CQ-Contest] CQ-WPX..A Modest Proposal

Guy L. Olinger k2av at qsl.net
Thu Apr 2 13:36:15 EST 1998

lew at teleport.com wrote:
> Ladies & Gentlemen of the contesting Community,
>     I propose moving the time limit for S/O for the CQ-WPX back to 30 or
> even 28 hours, from the recently extended 36 hours. Why, you query??? Well
> to save it.
Just my opinion, of course, but...

I think not. The wall to wall signals I hear are not the whimpering last
gasps of a dying contest. The WPX strategizing at the PVRC/NC chapter
meetings are not over a dying contest.

Nuthin, but nuthin will eliminate the advantage the East Coast has to
EU. As I recall, was rumored that W6VSS was running 10 KW on  20 meters
& got caught by the FCC.  This was quite a while ago (25 years?).
Interesting to note that it didn't equalize the diff. There might be a
way to fix a few things all at one time.

For bragging rights, scores listed by zone. 

New exchange:   NNNN/ZZ    NNNN is serial. ZZ is zone.  (Drop the
meaningless 59)

Scoring rules: same zone or same country:              1 point
                    else geographically adjacent zone:    3 points
                    else same continent:                        5 points
                    else different continent:                   7 points

Note that this reduces the east coast advantage to western EU since
zones 5 and 14 are adjacent.
West Coast & mid-america gets 7 points for those. This will give Eastern
EU a help out over West EU for the same  reason.

Times band multiplier, which need not be an integer, suggest:

                    160     3
                      80     2.5
                      40     2
                      20     1
                      15      1
                      10     2

These could be adjusted yearly based on expected propagation, for
instance 3 years ago, 10 meters could have been a times 5 and 15 meters
a times 3.

Just my strange thoughts. I could be mistaken.

Where's my flame retardant zip suit and face guard...

73, all.    Guy.

Guy L. Olinger
Apex, NC, USA
k2av at qsl.net

'AV since '74, previously K4VDL, K3FKJ, W2HVA.
(Remember those? Get in touch!)

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