[CQ-Contest] CQ-WPX..A Modest Proposal

Ray Rocker rocker at datasync.com
Fri Apr 3 18:28:58 EST 1998

>             2.) Instead, all who want to compete in this "showdown" will
>                 register with the "moderator", may operate the maximum
>                 allowable hours, but choose their best 24 hours and
>                 submit a score (to the "moderator") based on those 24
>                 hours.  (They will submit to CQ magazine the full log
>                 and request the score correction breakdown from CQ so
>                 the moderator can adjust the claimed scores accordingly.)
>                 The downside to this idea is that there is no skill in
>                 choosing the best 24 hours, only in choosing which of the
>                 maximum hours were operated.

We could also pull up last year's logs, chop 'em down to our best
24 hours, and see how the scores stack up. This would demonstrate 
how well the geographical advantages might be tempered by a shorter 
contest, albeit without respect to one's proficiency at selecting 
in real time the right times to take breaks.

-- Ray  WQ5L  rocker at datasync.com

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