[CQ-Contest] CQ-WPX..A Modest Proposal

Dallas Carter ludal at dmv.com
Sat Apr 4 07:07:32 EST 1998

This thread seems to caught everyone's attention, HERE IN THE U.S.  Problem
is as I see it:
	1.  The "modest proposal" seems to address the need of a very small group
	     of U.S. stations to rmain competitive for top honors.   - Hmmm.
	2.  This is an international contest.  What does limiting hours do to the rest
	     of the world?   Urgh!
	3.  As the solar flux comes up, propagation changes as do opening durations.
	    Who then has the formula for changing operating hours to compensate for
	    annual variation in SFI??
In speaking with one of the OT8A operators, he asked, "Where were all the U.S.
stations?".  He found it hard to generate pile-ups during the "W" openings. (on
20m he was).
An old SweepStakes sage once said:  There is no way to make up for lost time.
If you loose 6 hours of 10/ you loose 60 qso's, at 100/ that's 600.  Either way,
it represents lost time and lost QSOs, FOR EVERYONE!  
Don't screw up a good thing.  Take the heavyweights to Las Vegas or Madison
Square Garden for their title fight.

	73, Dallas  W3PP 

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