[CQ-Contest] The perfect scoring scheme in a contest!!

Gary A. Nieborsky PE k7fr at televar.com
Tue Apr 7 11:28:00 EDT 1998

My 2 seconds of input:

The most simple, most fair and best scoring scheme is undoubtably the
method used in The Stew Perry Top Band Distance Challenge.  Everything
counts and DX is really DX....a station remote from your location.

Tree has a winner in this one and you sure don't see any complaints about
those acursed East Coasters hogging the boxes.

Let the market rule in the discussion of rule changes.  If activity drops
off then the invisible hand of the market will move the rules folk to
change.  If they don't get the message than the contest goes the way of the
Do-Do bird and is replaced by more market aware contests.

Can books on contest reorganizing be far behind?  Seminars at Dayton and
Visalia on how to realign your thought process to the new deregulated
contest environment?  Ooops...I let a corporate thread sneak in

73 Gary K7FR

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