[CQ-Contest] March/April NCJ finally arrives
henrypol2 at juno.com
henrypol2 at juno.com
Mon Apr 13 11:30:58 EDT 1998
A stop by the PO box this morning on the way to work rewarded me with a
new fishing magazine and an envelope from ARRL HQ with the latest NCJ.
I had called ARRL HQ last week to renew my NCJ subscription and inquired
about the status of the Mar/Apr issue. When informed that it had been
out for several weeks, I requested another copy since my 1st Class
subscription copy had not arrived yet. I have subsequently checked with
two other local subscribers and they have not received their Mar/Apr
issue either.
Front cover photo of what looks like a station from the 40s or 50s but
with the caption "WB6FZH/KH6 QRP 1997 ARRL 160M Contest"! No further
details anywhere inside.
Feature Articles: Beverage Notes; Contesting in Lithuania - An Interview
with LY1DS; TH3 Overhaul Revisited; 97 CQ WW CW - The ZF2RV Multi-Single
Story; NCJ Profiles - All in the Family, Jim White, K4OJ; Some General
Truths to Contest By; Contesting from the Outback; Boom Matching - 40/30
Meter Rotary Dipole; Arkansas Contesting; and Brazilian Contesters (this
one didn't make it on the Table of Contents page).
Regular Columns: Contest Calendar; Where Are They Now? - N3BB/5; Contest
Tips, Tricks & Techniques - Contest Clubs; VHF/UHF Contesting; RTTY
Contesting - Operating Field Day; Contesting For Fun - QRP Foxhunting HF
Style and QRP To The Field; International Contests - Results (North
American scores only) 97 CQ-M Int'l DX, 97 ARI Int'l DX, 97 Russian DX,
97 Romania YO DX, 97 Top of Europe Grid, 97 Japan Int'l DX, and claimed
scores for 97 Scandinavian and 97 RAC Canada Winter Contests; Contest
DX-Ventures; DXpedition Destinations - WP2Z.
Scores: Results 97 ARRL VHF/UHF Spring Sprints
That's all.
NOTE: Only 12 days left until the Florida QSO Party!
73 and good reading,
Henry Pollock - K4TMC (ex WB4HFL)
Raleigh, NC
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