[CQ-Contest] The Great WPX Debate

lew at teleport.com lew at teleport.com
Tue Apr 14 04:12:28 EDT 1998

Members of the Contesting Community,
     I was not going to further discuss changes to the CQ-WPX, but recent
posts from KQ2M & K3ZO simply make my point all the more fervently.  If
readers of my 2 prior posts read carefully what I was proposing, they
would understand that I'm discussing changes to only the CQ-WPX in order
to create a competition whereby U.S. Contesters could see how they would
stack up against each other in a world-wide contest. The CQ-WW & the ARRL
DX tests are East Coast Gimme's. Thats a fact that is well accepted. We
can operated as S/O for as long as with as many radios as we want...in
short this is Radio Contesting Anarchy...and Damn...Its Fun!
     But we need a contest to see who is best in the Continental U.S. in a
World-wide Test and the CQ-WPX could be the test to do it in. The biggest
factor/advantage that the East Coast has is the number of hours of
propagation to Mult centers in Europe/Africa. By limiting the numbers of
hours of operation by a S/O to the least number of hours of propagation
experienced by the least favored area, we would then have a "fairer"
competition, injecting new nuances into the decision making paramount in a
world-wide contest. This would be a fair fight, keeping the competitors
coming back for more, rather than becoming discouraged and leaving the
    KQ2M & K3ZO are great competitors. Their wins, techniques employed and
words about them are wonderful. Its clear from their posts that they love
contesting and feel strongly that shortening operating time hurts
contesting from their perspective. I disagree!
   For 1 Contest... I want to have the chance to whip their tail..or K1AR
or N5KO..or W4AN..or any one of a number of great contesters. Reality says
that perhaps I'd get whupped badly...but a contesting challenge could
exist for such a theatre and the CQ-WPX could be it.
   The statement from KQ2M: "IMHO a contest is about what is possible
through determination, strategy and having fun. It is not about what we
can restrict to make it it more winnable for those less motivated, less
creative and less flexible."   This appears to be impugning what I've been
trying to emphasize, injecting needless emotion into a discussion about
restoring continental competition into a world-wide test. This would be
similar to assuming that the purpose of Bob And Fred's recent posts would
be to keep their East Coast advantages intact and to increase them. I
trust though, that they both believe that the fewer the limits on the
contesting realm..the better. 
    Thats a noble idea, but perpetuates inequalities thats similar to the
anarchy I spoke of earlier. Anarchy is replaced via revolution or
attrition by some system thats perceived to be more "fair" by the
participants. The purpose of my posts is to "revolutionize" the CQ-WPX to
prevent the coming attrition of contesting participants as the current
solar cycle peaks, then wafts on down..sounding the demise for contesting.
    I reiterate..Just 1 contest where every participant feels that he/she
has a chance to compete fairly against the peerage would give contesting
the serious boost thats needed for it to thrive and attract new players.
Let the manager of the CQ-WPX know how you feel. If you don't, then nobody
will. This is our game to shape and play in.
   73 and I remain,

         Lew  Sayre   W7EW                lew at teleport.com
         P.O.Box  3110                    Fax 503-391-2258
         Salem, Oregon 97302              160M thru 1296MHz

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