[CQ-Contest] WPX Debate

k1dg at ix.netcom.com k1dg at ix.netcom.com
Thu Apr 16 19:57:00 EDT 1998

S56A recently said:

>Doug, K1DG usually takes a good look on contesting and I am sure he would
>solicit YU1RL opinion on WPX!

Actually, I have no comment whatsoever on the WPX length. It is the only 
major contest I have never entered in my entire contesting career. Never.

Two reasons, equally weighted:

1. The weather is usually good enough to do outside things by then, after a 
too-long winter (but not as long as those poor KL7 boyz).
2. Prefixes as multipliers? What's the point? What am I missing here? Why 
not suffixes instead? Last two? Duh.

73, and see you all in Dayton,

Doug K1DG
Perennial Winner, Poisson d'Avril Contest

p.s. K7SS...no offense taken. Watch yourself in WRTC-2000, though...

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