[CQ-Contest] CW SS results and comments

Jim Pratt n6ig at netcom.com
Fri Apr 17 00:03:03 EDT 1998

The May QST arrived today 'way out west here, and of course I looked at 
the CW SS results first off.  Interesting comments in the writeup about 
"tougher log checking", saying that "log checking was the toughest in 
years...".  Good show, glad to see that everyone is being scrutinized and 
the days of the "golden, error free logs" have gone by the wayside.  Here 
are some interesting statistics (they're not just for baseball):

(scores are listed in the order of claimed standings per "claimed scores" 
on the ARRL web site):

CALL        Claimed Q's   Printed Q's  Q's lost  % lost  Printed standing
W0SD (WD0T)   1516          1486         30        1.97%     1
N2IC          1484          1452         32        2.16%     2
W5WMU (N6TR)  1481          1450         31        2.09%     3
WB0O          1467          1434         33        2.25%     5
K1TO          1461          1439         22        1.51%     4
W6GO (N6IG)   1413          1378         35        2.47%     7
K5GN          1409          1373         36        2.56%     9
K6LL          1398          1377         21        1.50%     8
K5BN (K5GA)   1397          1371         26        1.86%    10
N7TR          1397          1366         31        2.22%    11
WX0B (NM5M)   1419          1389         30        2.11%    ?????
K7UP (KN5H)   1383          1379          4 (!)    0.28%     6 (!)

Congrats to KN5H for having such a low error rate and moving from #12 
claimed to #6 printed.  All scores were 79 mults except for WX0B which 
had 77, explaining his absence from the top ten.  

Again, good job to Newington on being so "tight" on log checking.  The 
range of scores/lost Q's in the top 10 isn't that far apart...KN5H being 
the exception!  There is always one in every crowd...

73, Jim  N6IG

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