[CQ-Contest] Re: WPX Scoring Change for 1999!

Jan-Erik Holm JEH at on.mobile.telia.se
Fri Apr 17 20:42:21 EDT 1998

>> >"Beginning with the 1999 contest, the scoring will be changed to allow 1
>> >for in-country QSO's.
>> Yes that will kill the WPX contest and make it in to a
>> stateside QSO party.
>> de Jim SM2EKM
>I don't think so.  You have to maximize the 3 pt qsos in order to win wpx. One
>for in country will stop the annoyance factor and get everyone in the logs who
>worked.  It is now a major feat for a single band entry US station to make the
>10 in the world.
>Chuck, KZ5MM
Wake up, there is a world outside USA. I know for a fact since I live there.

73 Jim SM2EKM

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