[CQ-Contest] Fw: DX & Contesting Forums Outrage

W2CE W2CE at prodigy.net
Sat Apr 18 08:42:44 EDT 1998

> Here is the reply I received to my (less than polite) email to the
> Hamvention Chairman. My impression is that this is the way they intend to do
> it from here on out. Even with double the number of buses, I can't think of
> a much more inconvenient way to host forums that are each a half day long.
> Maybe it will work but I'd hate to have to bet much on it.
> Mike / W8DN


After my last comments on the subject I was told by a well informed
person that,  yes, this is to be the permanent locations for the DX and
Contest Forums.

I find it hard to accept a wiring problem as why wasn't what was used
past years left available. It could have even just lied in the ceiling
disconnected. Looking at the theater curtains, isn't that a function of
the host Hara) ? and why doesn't a major center in Dayton maintain its
facility ?  Hamvention cannot be the only ones to use them. I'd bet they
hang permanently.

I have attended Hamvention with an unbroked string since 1983. I missed
82, but even I am thinking twice about next year. I'll maintain the
block of rooms for my club but I expect to see lots of cancellations.

Hamvention took a black eye when they tried to just do away with the
motel buses a few years back. I expect the moving of the DX and Contest
forums to create questions for many in the future.

Visalia, New Orleans, etc seem to take on more importance for DXers now. 

Maybe the Dayton Hamvention will be history before it becomes the year
2000 ARRL National Convention. It might not be a bad idea to start now
demanding the ARRL hold the DX and Contest Forums on-site or find
another location.

       73, Bob, W2CE


   Robert Reed, W2CE                        W2CE at prodigy.net
   1991 Route 37 West - Lot 109             W2CE at aol.com
   Toms River, New Jersey  08757


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