[CQ-Contest] ARRL CAC Needs Input

tduffy tduffy at sygnet.com
Sun Apr 26 16:28:14 EDT 1998

The ARRL Contest Advisory Committee (CAC) seeks your input on the
following two topics which it will be voting on in the near future:

1) Is the current Local Club ( 10 or fewer entries) geographical size 
restriction (All members must reside and operate within 20 miles of the
club's center) proper for today's Local Clubs?

Should the CAC recommend to the ARRL Membership Services Committee (MSC)
that the 20 mile limit  for Local Clubs be:

A) Kept as is

B) Increased

C) Decreased

2) Should the CAC recommend to the MSC that Single Band entries be
allowed as separate categories in the ARRL RTTY RoundUp?

Please send your comments as soon as possible to:

cac at arrl.org

Please post this message on any contest related web site, RTTY
reflectors, newsletters, etc.

Tim K3LR

ARRL CAC Chairman

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Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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