JATKO:Re: [CQ-Contest] WPX Dates

Klimoff Timo timo.klimoff at ktm.vn.fi
Thu Apr 30 10:15:54 EDT 1998

Tyler Stewart:
>Since the 24th and 25th are a Sunday and Monday and WPX is always on 
the last
>full weekend and N8BJQ is the contest director for WPX....
>I bet on 30-31st of May.

24th - 25th were the dates in 1997! K1AR is a little bit behind...

73 Timo OH1NOA

                Timo Klimoff 

Email:          timo.klimoff at ktm.vn.fi     
or              oh1noa at qsl.net
WWW-homepage:   http://www.qsl.net/oh1noa
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