[CQ-Contest] RE: VK5GN pileup control and Homer

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Sat Aug 1 13:08:11 EDT 1998

<<de K1DG:
 The point of this completely true and hopefully at least partially humorous 
 story is that pileups have unique characters, but so do quiet frequencies on 
 open bands. Flexibility and establishing control in the right style is the 
 key to success.
 Doug K1DG
 p.s. Another vote in favor of N6TJ's new scoring system. Imagine an 
 expedition on every Zone 8 island, with a real chance to compete against the 
 South Americans. Except HC8N, of course, who will continue to get 4 points 
 for every QSO. 

   Another attraction for dying pileup, is to try in various languages, which
also brings some "bystanders" out of the woodworks.

   Jim, N6TJ must be finished with his ZD8 trips? Maybe we have a chance of
"equalizing" the CQ WW scoring system when more OFs will get tired going South
and exert push on the CQ WW ccoommiittee to change the rules. (Should be done
in the score increasing direction to maintain some sanity with all time
records.) Wish one day we would be able to compete using our own call, own
station, own operator - that would be the true picture of whole contester's
performance and skill. 

73 Yuri K3BU, VE3BMV, Pee Forty Aaaah

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