[CQ-Contest] RE: VK5GN pileup control and Homer

John T. Laney, III K4BAI at worldnet.att.net
Mon Aug 3 11:45:16 EDT 1998

With regard to entering zones correctly, I am convinced that most
operators with computer logging systems do not try very hard to get the
zone correct, but will allow the computer default to be entered most of
the time.  I don't know if the CQ committee does any checking in that
regard, but I've looked at a lot of single op and multi op logs in the
past few years, and the 4 area stations are nearly all logged as 05
(when about 40% of them are in zone 04), 8 stations are logged as 04
(when WV is in 05), 7 stations are logged as 03 (MT is in 04).  This
should be the next emphasis in our continuing efforts for accuracy in
logging.  The fact that no one is required to sign portable any more
means that you must always listen carefully to any US station when he
sends his zone.  It may not always be what you expect.  Do you remember
getting zone 08 from W7OM instead of 06 in an IARU contest a few years
ago?  I think he was visiting in New England.  The percentage of correct
zones in the logs of the stations he worked would have been very low if
I am right in my impressions.  We shouldn't let the contests get to the
point that all we try to copy is the call and let the computer default
do the rest.  73, John, K4BAI/8P9HT.

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