[CQ-Contest] more - CQ-WW-CW Date ??

Dale Jones K5MM ddjones at nas.com
Mon Aug 3 20:25:56 EDT 1998

Date: Mon, 03 Aug 1998 16:43:03
To: gi0kow <gi0kow at gi0nwg.demon.co.uk>
From: Dale Jones K5MM <ddjones at nas.com>
Subject: more - CQ-WW-CW Date ??

 Hi Robert:
 Your question certainly DOESN"T fall into the "sucky, etc" category.  My point
 was that the contest was invented by the Americans, is sponsored by the
 Americans, is run from America, etc.

 Just like the RSGB 21 Mhz, BERU, FOC, etc contests are British, and good
 too.  I enjoy them (except BERU).  Of course many countries Ham Radio
 Groups have their own contests.  Some more successful than others.  The
 ZL-VK-Oceania contest has dwindled away in recent years....too bad.

 Certainly CQ-WW-CW is a World-wide event.  Heaven forbid, it wouldn't 
 be much of a contest if not for the non-American contingent.

 After I sent that original message, I asked myself, "Dale, When was the last
 time someone from another country asked the AMERICANS when would be
 a good time to have a contest?"  I couldn't think of one time when that might
 have occurred.  Someone in Europe sets the WAE dates/times, the Russians
 set their, the JA's theirs, etc.  But ownership of CQ-WW seems to have gone
 the way of KODAK and KLEENEX......everyone owns this one.  Thus, 
 everyone is edgy when the issues come up.

 I think the dates will NOT change, but I was pissed because two or three
 Yanks jumped on Barry W2UP for even bringing the issue up.  They presented
 their cases in the so-called "sucky" way....you know......"blah blah blah,
we must
 consider the International Guys first, and because we don't do that, all the
 International guys hate the Americans"........etc.  Bunch of B.S.  As I stated
 in my commentary, that question should be able to sit on the table at face 
 value and be debated openly.  There are a few thousand guys in the USA
 that get the crap kicked out of them by wives and families on that CW weekend
 each year.  Maybe there is a better weekend.

 Thanks Robert!!
 Vy 73
 Dale  K5MM

>At 12:42 AM 8/4/98 +0100, you wrote:
>In message <m0z32vy-000CBQC at cleese.nas.com>, Dale Jones K5MM
<ddjones at nas.com> writes
> Gents:
> Barry, W2UP, suggests changing the date of CQ-WW-CW to one that does not
> routinely fall on AMERICAN Thanksgiving.  Why in the hell do so many of
> you guys jump all over him for SUGGESTING that?  
> It's an AMERICAN contest
> The AMERICAN's set the date in the first place.
> There just MIGHT be a better date for EVERYONE.
> Maybe it is a BAD idea to change that date, but for gods sake, it should
>     be debated if someone wants to do so.
> I can tell you that the HALF of entrants who are American struggle with
>    that date, primarily for Family reasons.  
> The non-American guys certainly should have their say on when to best
>    hold the contest
> BUT----just because the date has been there since 1849, doesn't seem to be
> a particularly good reason why it should continue to be there.  At the very
> debate it openly and in good faith, without the sucky goody-goody attitudes!!
> 73
> Dale  K5MM
>HI Dale + Group,
>For me personally the date of the CQWW contests are not a major issue, i
>do my utmost to ensure that i have ample free time to take part. I know
>its not always easy especially for those with family responsibilties,
>but to me CQWW is not just a contest, it is THE CONTEST, the ultimate
>challenge and operating event in the calender. Whatever date CQWW is on
>ill be there.. hopefully.
>I wonder though could Dale elaborate on what he means by CQWW is an
>AMERICAN contest? I have always thought of CQWW as a major ORLDWIDE
>event.>>Hope this message dosnt fall into the sucky goody goody description.
>Roert Cummings GI0KOW

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