[CQ-Contest] H22A.....nyeah

Scott Robbins srobbins at usit.net
Tue Aug 4 19:21:12 EDT 1998

Marios Nicolaou writes:

[text deleted about H20A and H22A operations WPX CW and IARU]

>What I found so amazing about these operations was the unbelieveable
>score achieved with the current propagation conditions.  And the
>scores were not due to the lareg number of multipliers worked alone
>but also the tremendous amount of QSOs made

Actually, I'll give you a real life example of H20A in action.
We'll set the scene.  It is late Sunday morning during the 1997
WPX CW contest.  I have only been on for a couple of hours when I
come across H20A CQing on 20 meter CW:

(you may hum the dits and dahs as needed, for effect)

H20A: "TEST H20A"
W4PA: "W4PA"
H20A: "W4PA 5NN xxxx"
W4PA: "5N"

I got to the second "N" when I heard H20A transmitting through my
QSK radio and I stopped transmitting.  I heard "H20A TEST".  I again
sent my callsign and got "W4PA B4 H20A".  I never sent the serial
number.  TR-Log's Alt-Y command came in handy as I deleted this 
contact.  Since I wasn't doing anything else, and I was EXTREMELY
IRRITATED by this incident, I sat and listened to H20A work a whole
string of stations just I like I was "worked".

I sent off an e-mail message to the contest director Monday after
the contest, describing this behavior, lamenting I did not have a
tape recorder interfaced to the radio, and with a suggestion that
they be disqualified.  

They won.

Scott Robbins, W4PA 

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      "I sure don't know what I'm goin' for, 
         but I'm gonna go for it for sure!" - Grateful Dead

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