[CQ-Contest] W7RM Birthday and Open House

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Wed Aug 5 00:51:20 EDT 1998

Greetings, all --

      You are invited to attend the birthday bash and multi-multi station open
house of Rush Drake, W7RM. It's the 81st birthday of this Contest Hall of
Famer and we'd like to recognize his contribution to contesting and station
building expertise. His station is recognized as the "Big Signal" out of W7
and the five towers of stacks will be of interest to anyone from pop gun to
aspiring multi op station builder or operator.

      His birthday is September 15 but we're having the bash on Saturday,
September 12 from noon to ??? Five dollar contributions are greatly
appreciated. We'll collect them there to pay for the food and refreshments. 

      He's in La Center, WA, north of Portland, OR, and just off of I5.
Directions will be sent later. The closest airport is PDX for those of you who
want to fly in. Questions can be sent to me. 

Cheers,  Steve  K7LXC

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