[CQ-Contest] NAQP Mult Passing Technique Questions

Ray Rocker rocker at datasync.com
Wed Aug 5 19:52:51 EDT 1998

> Based on some comments about the recent NAQP, I have some questions on 
> the proper technique for accomplishing this. Especially on CW. 
> So, what is usually sent? On Phone, you just ask, "Could you move to xx 
> meters?" "Sure, what frequency?" "Oh, xx.xxx.xx MHz" "OK." On CW, I'm 
> sure it is more succinct. Do you give a QSY frequency right away: "PSE 
> QSY 21.120" or do you first agree to QSY, then give a frequency?

I get it both ways, about half and half. The most efficient way IMHO
is for them to ask "QSY 21120?" then I can respond "R QSY" and go.

If they're real loud I might echo back the freq e.g. "R QSY 21120"
but that's problematic if copy is rough already.

> I was under the impression that you have to be CQing to pass mults. Isn't 
> it somewhat impolite to ask someone to give up his run frequency in just 
> so he can give you a new mult?

I think so. If I'm on a crowded band and getting good rate, I'll
politely refuse. If I had two radios it might be different.

> Another question would be -- how do you know what to move? Do you move 
> anything that's a new mult, or do you try to temper this with whatever is 
> going to be easy pickings later. 

Good question. You'd think it's silly to start moving people right at 
the start of the contest. But once in SS, I heard WB0O 20 over 9 in 
the first half hour, called a few times, but the pileup was huge and I
thought "I'll have plenty of chances to work him later". But I never heard
him again and wound up missing ND completely. Shoulda stuck it out.

-- Ray  WQ5L  rocker at datasync.com

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