[CQ-Contest] A modern Multi Single or.........?

Jim George, N3BB N3BB at easy.com
Thu Aug 6 07:33:56 EDT 1998

Last year, I sent a private email to a group on Cyprus asking them how it
was possible to have a 200 QSO per hour rate for 24 hours in the IARU.
They replied back in private that Cyprus was so close to Europe and still
rarish that they has continuous pileups all the time, and that those rates
were achieved fairly.

It would be interesting to check the logs.  The ten minute rule is not the
issue here, it is whether there are one or two signals on the air at a
time.  It clearly is possible to run both CW and SSB on a single band
concurrently with sufficient antenna separation.  We hit 140-145 an hour
here this year at N3BB when 15 meters opened up to Europe, and the bulk of
those were on the station calling CQ, with a sprinkling of mults and other
calls from the other station.  But we all know that stations can hit
200-300 QSOs an hour with a single run station.  Having having operated
with K1DG (a great operator) on 15 meters SSB at PJ9B this past October in
the CQWW, we achieved about 105 QSOs an hour *average* over 48 hours from
one of the best contest locations in the world.  There are slow periods.
But we were on one band.  If we could have moved to where the QSO rates
were always at a maximum, what would our QSO rate have been?  Is it
realistic to hit 200 QSOs an hour over 24 hours with (primarily) a single
transmitter from Cyprus?

We have not had that particular kind of rules adherence issue here in this
country as far as I know.  The claims raised in Cyprus need to be checked
out as it is affecting the credibility of the winning scores.

73, Jim

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Marios Nicolaou (5B4WN) [mailto:5b4wn at qsl.net]
>> Sent: Sunday, August 02, 1998 5:48 AM
>> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
>> Subject: [CQ-Contest] A modern Multi Single or.........?
>> Fellow contesters,
>> Greetings.
>> I would like to open an issue that has been troubling myself
>> and others for
>> a few months now and I would like to ask for the opinion of
>> this reflector
>> as far as the legality of it is concerned.
>> I am talking about the recent multi-single operations from
>> Cyprus by two
>> Russian Teams (H20A in WPX CW and IARU (also H22A in IARU 97)
>> and P3A in
>> IARU 98). What I found so amazing about these operations was the
>> unbelievable score achieved with the current propagation
>> conditions. And
>> the scores were not due to the large number of multipliers
>> worked alone but
>> also the tremendous amount of QSOs made. At the beginning I
>> thought "yes
>> these people can work them fast" but it took me a few
>> contests to realize
>> how else they could have achieved this:
>> WPX and IARU have a 10 minute rule for MS (no matter if a station is a
>> multiplier or not, once worked you have to remain on that band for a
>> minimum of 10 minutes), so the incentive of a multiplier
>> station is very
>> different in these contests as compared to CQ WW. I have
>> heard that some
>> stations try to scan the same band for multipliers but what
>> the teams in
>> question did was to have a number of multiplier stations at
>> some distance
>> (to null out any intra-transmitter interference) all
>> networked via packet.
>> These stations were scanning the SAME band working NOT ONLY
>> NEW MULTS but
>> also EVERYBODY calling CQ on the band that hadn't been worked
>> before (ie a
>> non-dupe contact) thus ensuring both a maximum number of QSOs and
>> multipliers, with rates of 200++ an hour..........
>Finally, someone courageous enough to stand up against this type of cheating
>(which unfortunately is going on many places in Europe as well).  The ARI
>(Italy) contest added band change rules to try to prevent this type of
>operation.  Let's hope we don't have to add them to all of the other
>Randy, K5ZD
>CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
>Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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