[CQ-Contest] Re: Power Level?

T A RUSSELL n4kg at juno.com
Sun Aug 9 06:37:36 EDT 1998

CAPTURE may not be the best word for the effect, but the strongest
signal WILL set the AGC voltage, which is used to reduce IF  gain for
mid range signals and then RF gain for stronger signals.  A change
of 1.7 dB is noticable.  The Chrysler car radios use a 1.25 dB per detent
step in the volume control (in the midrange)  and that is certainly

de  Tom  N4KG  

On Sat, 08 Aug 1998 21:21:09 Pete Smith <n4zr at contesting.com> writes:
>At 02:55 PM 8/8/98 EDT, AD6E at aol.com wrote:
>> Can you really notice (or will your RX
>>"capture") a signal that is 1.7 dB stronger than another?  Certainly 
>in the
>>realm of high tech digital communications thats significant and 
>>In FM communications, thats barely enough to "capure".  But in the 
>ear?  Give
>>me a break.
>I don't think I buy Paul's argument about AGC differentiating between 
>signals 1.7 dB apart, but I *am* convinced that averaged over the 
>course of
>a contest, 1.7 dB makes a significant difference, just as surely as 
>can't argue in any single QSO, that 1.7 dB more power made THE 
>But over 24 or 48 hours, X stations just above the noise floor that
>wouldn't have been workable otherwise, Y minutes saved by getting out 
>pileups just marginally quicker on the average, etc.  Makes a bigger
>difference in some contests than in others, but it's always there ... 
>73, Pete Smith N4ZR
>n4zr at contesting.com 
>"That's WEST Virginia.  Thanks and 73"
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