[CQ-Contest] QSL Bureau Fee Structure

Fred Laun K3ZO aalaun at ibm.net
Tue Aug 11 16:45:57 EDT 1998

I like QSL'ing even after 46 years of very active hamming.  I keep an
analog system of 11 books with calls of all the non-W's I have worked since
I got the call K3ZO, and after each contest I carefully go through the
books with my log and mark each "never-worked-before" station.  My XYL
Somporn actually fills the cards out -- it's the only part of ham radio she

So there are some people who try to keep records and limit the QSL's to
ones actually wanted.  When K4ZA lived next door, he used to say that K3ZO
was after the "worked-all-everything" award.  The only trouble is, I never
have time to sit down and apply for all the awards I could get!  I have
heard informally that my shipments to the outgoing ARRL bureau exceed the
number for all except those from W8AH.

Question:  with W8AH in the same state, why does anyone need a QSL from
N4ZR at all?

73, Fred  

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