[CQ-Contest] QSL Bureau Fee Structure

Jim Lowman jmlowman at ix.netcom.com
Wed Aug 12 17:49:19 EDT 1998

Bruce Sawyer wrote:

> So what's my gripe?  I don't at all mind answering a QSL request from
> somebody who actually wants it or "needs" it.  But it just burns me up to
> have to waste so much time, effort, and money dealing with the INCOMING
> cost, the OUTGOING cost, and all the intermediate paperwork to deal with the
> people who are just trying to avoid work themselves by blanket QSLing.

I've heard it said by more than one person that, given the degree of
provided to us today by computerized logging programs, it's easier to
print labels
for *everyone* and send them out, than to wait to answer individual
requests for

Now we see what the downside of that philosophy is.

73 de Jim - AD6CW

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