[CQ-Contest] WAE - an opinion

Bill Fisher - W4AN w4an at contesting.com
Thu Aug 13 08:42:53 EDT 1998

I believe that any 2nd tier contest (as is the WAE) should be 24 hours or 
less in duration.  (I would argue the ARRL DX is also 2nd tier BTW). I 
consider myself a pretty avid contester.  You aren't going to find many 
people more pro-contest.  So if I'm not going to operate 48 hours in a 
2nd tier contest, who is?  My contention is... not many. 

I would also agree with G4BUO in regards to packet.  I personally dont 
believe that +Packet should NOT be the default single-op category for any 
contest.  If it is a category at all, it is in addition to SingleOp.  

As far as QTCs...  I find them a unique aspect of the contest.  
Every contest should be unique.  It works for me.

The DARC would do well to shorten the event and rid the single-ops of 


Bill, W4AN

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