[CQ-Contest] Re: Activity in WAE and WRTC

Dainius Savicius LY1DS at takas.lt
Sat Aug 15 19:56:11 EDT 1998

At 04:31 PM 8/14/98 -0400, G4BUO wrote:

>My apologies to Tine, I should have checked my facts and I am 
>pleased that WAE with its current rules does not count for qualification 
>for WRTC 2000. The ARRL contest is a major contest in my view, 
>and I certainly feel that it should count. Hopefully you may be able 
>to do this Tine.

Than why not to count AA DX? 
In my opinion, ARRL DX contest is too simple contest to count for
"qualification for WRTC". Fix your antenna on 307 deg and push F1 the whole
weekend. Sorry if I'm wrong. I should say ARRL contest is a good pile up
training. Just not for European black hole (tm). :-)

Will count WAE DC for WRTC op's selection or not, in any case it's THE BEST
European contest, so far! Because of it's unique rules.  

>As to WAE, the decline in activity is noticeable. If it aspires to be a
>major contest then I feel there should be separate SOAB Assisted 
>and SOAB Unassisted categories. 

Agree, absolutely! For the first time in WAE CW this year I was using a
packet cluster. And sure it helped a lot. Now, I know how much I lost in
previous WAE tests!



Dan  LY1DS / LY6M

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