[CQ-Contest] re: 160m noise

Dick Frey k4xu at coinet.com
Sun Dec 6 12:32:46 EST 1998

I just recently opened up on 160 from my new QTH in Bend, Oregon.
The antenna works fine but the noise is terrible.  I live across the street
from a large upscale subdivision.  The buzzes growlers are numerous and
they move slowly across the band with time and temperature.  Some are
cleaner than others and some have modulation.

The Germans have a delightfully apt phrase to describe this stuff: 
"Electro Smog."

During the day Saturday I grabbed a small PLL battery powered SW rx, walked
across the street and wandered around. The first house I came to showed
trash on 1830 at full scale.  I knocked on the door and after some
pleasantries asked if they had a touch lamp.  Yes.  Could we unplug it so
see if it is the source of noise pollution?  OK.  Voila!  One down.  I
asked the owner if he uses AM radio. NO. Did he have one?  YES.  We turned
it on and plugged the lamp pack in.  TRASH.  I offered to fix it.  He says
no, he will take it back since it is new....  

I asked him to ask his neighbors if they have similar appliances and to
check 'em out.  (This guy is a teacher at the local HS.)  Also ask him how
he likes the lighted Xmas star on the tower across the street.  Reply: 
only acceptable use for such an ugly thing. Cool....

Saturday evening the 160M band is much improved but there are still
emitters out there.  Something to do over the holiday break.

Conclusion:  Don't be lazy.  Before paying big bux for another knob to
adjust, do your homework and see if you can find the source of the noise. 
Sometimes it's easy and a hell of a lot more effective.

Dick Frey	K4XU.../7		k4xu at contesting.com

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