Rolando Milin
r_milin at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 15 07:03:42 EST 1998
Almost last chance for good contesting in this year!
See you in the air.
73 de Roland 9A3MR
Hrvatski radioamaterski savez (HRS) has the honor of inviting
amateurs all over the world to take part in the 1998 Croatian CW Contest
3rd full weekend in December from 14.00 UTC on Saturday untill 14.00
UTC on Sunday. In 1998 Croatian
CW Contest will be held on 19th and 20th of December.
BANDS - 1.8 - 3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz
MODE - Only CW
1/ Single operatora/all bands - high power
2/ Single operator/all bands - low power (<100 W)
3/ Single operator/single band - high power
4/ Single operator/single band - low power (<100 W)
5/ Single operator/all bands - QRPp (<5 W)
6/ Multi operator/all bands/one TX
7/ SWL
The minimum time of operation on one band is 10 mimutes, though a
quick band change in order to work a new multiplier is
EXCHANGE - RST + serial number starting with 001 for the first contact
10 points for contact with 9A station on 1.8/3.5/7, 6 points on
14/21/28 MHz
6 points for contact with other continent on 1.8/3.5/7, 3 points on
14/21/28 MHz
2 points for contact with own continent (including own country) on
1.8/3.5/7, 1 point on 14/21/28
MULTIPLIERS - DXCC countries plus WAE list on each band.
FINAL SCORE - Sum of qso points from all bands multiplied with sum of
multipliers from all bands.
SWL's - Each different station counts 1 point per band. Logs must
contain the codegroups of both stations in qso.
Multipliers as above.
LOGS - In standard for of 40 qsos per page, logs must be kept
separately for each band. Please mark only new multipliers
on each band. On the bottom of each page should be the sum of
multipliers and qso points for that page. Logs must be accomapnied
with the summary sheet and declaration. Each double qso must be
clearly marked in the log. All entrants with more
than 200 contacts per band must send a list of calls in alphabetical
order for each band. Log on 3,5" disc are welcome ( they
must be in plain ASCII file, such as summary sheet. Log on disc must
be accompanied with paper summary sheet.
You can send your E-mail log to hrs at hztk.tel.hr
AWARDS - Certificates will be awarded to the highest scoring
stationin each DXCC/WAE country in each category. Plaques
will be awarded to the first station worldwide in single operator
section all band and multioperator section. Some additional
plaques may be awarded to the continental winners and world champions
in single operator single band category, depending
on getting sponsors for those. SWL's will be awarded with certificate.
Please mail your logs within 30 days to the following address:
Dalmatinska 12
10000 Zagreb
CQ-Contest on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com
More information about the CQ-Contest
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