[CQ-Contest] ARRL 10 rules

LU5CW Ernesto Grueneberg lu5cw at geocities.com
Tue Dec 15 22:43:11 EST 1998

After this year operating from LU6ETB MS, I believe the point system is
obsolete for this contest. Twice the points for CW is too much difference. I
propose 3 for CW and 2 for SSB. Besides, what´s the point to allow only 36
hs for multis? Shouldn´t this be only for single ops?


Ernesto Grueneberg - LU5CW (ex LU2BRG & LU6BEG)
< mailto:lu5cw at geocities.com>
LU5CW homepage < http://surf.to/lu5cw>
LT1F homepage: <http://badpower.com.ar>

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