[CQ-Contest] Re: ARRL 10 rules

Marko Munih marko at robo.fe.uni-lj.si
Wed Dec 16 11:33:03 EST 1998

i4jmy at migate.n8it.AMPR.ORG wrote:

> >. I
> >propose 3 for CW and 2 for SSB. Besides, what=B4s the point to allow only=

>     I don't agree with the above statements neither I understand where
>   the problems are with cw/ssb point rates and with the MS time on.

I support Mauri in that. 4 point cw and 2 point ssb makes fun
and atractive contest in mixed mode. If someone wants to run single ssb
or cw => this is already possible.

Marko, S50K

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