[CQ-Contest] Re: CW SS QSO

F.R.C frcuba at mail.infocom.etecsa.cu
Wed Dec 16 16:35:11 EST 1998

> This is the way awards need to be confirmed for 
> the future.  Most contesters (me included) have 
> a hard time keeping up with QSL requests. Why not 
> ARRL and CQ accept E-mail confirmations for DXCC 
> and other awards?
> Jeffery -

The Cuban DX Group has a NATIONAL Award called "The 
Munipalities Certificate". Around this award, the Group 
organize two times a year the "Municipalities Contest".
These are national Awards and contests.  

For this Certificate you need to confirm, with the QSLs 
cards, contacts with a determinated quantity of diferent
municipalities. Nevertheless, if you participate
in the "Municipalities Contest" ( in which the multiplier
are the municipalities ) AND SEND THE LOG, all those
municipalities worked during the test are valid and 
acumulative for your Award.

That could be another way of "confirming" the QSOs make
during a contest.. 

73 (or 73s, there is a big disscution abt that in
the vhf reflector!! ) 

Oscar, co2oj

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