[CQ-Contest] 1999 Minnesota QSO Party http://www.rossiya.net/mnqso.htm

Warner, Sean Sean.Warner at mcda.org
Thu Dec 17 11:21:39 EST 1998


1999 Minnesota QSO Party

1800 UTC 06 February 1999 to 0600 UTC 07 February 1999

Sponsored by the Twin City FM Club

Co-Sponsored by Hamfest Minnesota, TR Log Contest Software by N6TR,
Radio City, K0XQ

Contest update: The all-new Minnesota QSO Party is less than two months
away! MQP is currently supported by TR Log by N6TR contest logging
software, & we are happy to announce that soon users of both WriteLog by
W5XD & NA by K8CC will be able to obtain templates for the MQP, as well.
Details on this, as well as the complete MN county list, can be found at
the home page of the MQP at http://www.rossiya.net/mnqso.htm .

Hope to see you on the air in February 1999 when Minnesota 'works the

Contest Rules:

1.Time: Contest runs from 1800 06 February 1999 until 0600 UTC 07
February 1999.

2.QSO Rules: MN stations work everyone, all other W/VE & DX work MN
stations. Work stations once per band & mode, multipliers to be worked
only once.

3.Bands/Modes: HF 160m-10m (excluding WARC bands). VHF 6m. CW/SSB only

4.Exchange: MN stations send serial number & county (two letter
designator); W/VE & DX send serial number & state/province/country.
Multipliers for MN is MN counties (87 total) plus states/provinces (49
states excluding Minnesota + 10 Canadian provinces + 2 Canadian
Territorries= 61 W/VE mults total); 148 max multipliers (all bands) for
MN stations. Multipliers for everyone else is MN counties (87 total).
DXCC countries may be worked for points only-no multipliers.

5.Scoring: Score 1 QSO point for SSB QSO, 2 QSO points for CW QSO. TCFMC
Club station W0EF is 10 QSO points per contact, any band/mode. Final
score is QSO points total times multiplier total.

6.Operating Classes-MN: Single Op Low Power (150w or less), Single Op
High Power, Single Op Novice/Tech, Multi Op/Single Transmitter. All
classes mixed modes only.

7.Operating Classes-W/VE: Single Op Low Power (150w or less), Single Op
High Power, Multi Op/Single Transmitter.

8.Operating Classes-DX: Single Op, Multi-Op/Single Transmitter

9.Suggested Frequencies-CW: Up from 1.810 3.550 (3.695) 7.050 (7.110)
14.050 21.050 (21.150) 28.050 (28.150) 50.050

10.Suggested Frequencies-SSB: Up from 1.870 3.890 7.230 14.290 21.390
28.420 50.150

11.Logs: Send logs by March 15th to Twin City FM Club, Attn: MNQSO Logs,
PO Box 580555, Minneapolis, MN 58055 or email to webmaster at rossiya.net .
Log & scoring summary sheet available on the Internet at

12.Prizes: 1st place in each MN & W/VE class receives plaque, amateur
related prizes (TR Log Contesting Software OR RAC Callbook CD ROM OR
choice of 1999 ARRL Handbook, 1999 ARRL Antenna Book, 1999 ARRL
Operating Manual) plus a special gift from the state of Minnesota; 2nd &
3rd places receive certificate. 1st place in each DX class receive
certificate, amateur radio related prizes (choice of 1999 ARRL Handbook,
1999 ARRL Antenna Book or 1999 ARRL Operating Manual) plus a special
gift from the state of Minnesota.

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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