Edo Koljatic 9A2TW 9a2tw at ham2.irb.hr
Fri Dec 18 10:47:31 EST 1998

Hello Contesting Friends.

I will be in CROATIAN CW CONTEST on 160M (SB HP Category). Look for me
around 1835 kHz.

BTW Contest started at 1400 UTC, Saturday 19.Dec.98 and finish at 1400
UTC, Sunday 20.Dec.98 (24 hours),only CW!

Category:	SO AB HP
		SO AB LP (<100W)
		SO SB LP (<100W)
		SO AB QRP (<5W)
		MO AB 1TX (Club Stations must be this category)

Exchange: 	RST + QSO_Nr (599 001)

Multipliers:	DXCC + WAE List (Like CQ WW DX Contest)

Points:		10  9A_STN (1,8/3,5/7MHz)
		6   9A_STN (14/21/28 MHz)
		6   Other Continent (1,8/3,5/7MHz)
		3   Other Continent (14/21/28 MHz)
		2   Same Continent incl. own country (1,8/3,5/7MHz)
		1   Same Continent incl. own country (14/21/28 MHz)

Score:		QSO points from all bands x multipl. from all bands

Logs:		30 days after contest is last day to send logs.

Address:	Paper or 3,5" disk (ASCII) to:
		HRS (Croatian CW Contest)
		Dalmatinska 12
		HR-10000 ZAGREB

		or via email (ASCII)to:
		hrs at hztk.tel.hr
P.S. 	This is shorted rules for this contest - not official.
	(Sorry for my english)
All the best - Merry Xmas and H.N.Y.

		73 de Edo 9A2TW

  Address: Edo Koljatic,  Planciceva 6,  21000 SPLIT,  CROATIA,  Europe 
  E-mail: 9a2tw at ham2.irb.hr        ////  http://jagor.srce.hr/~ekoljati 
  Packet: 9A2TW at 9A2TW.#ST.HRV.EU ( o o ) Tel/Fax: +385(0)21/385-382 

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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