[CQ-Contest] CT 9.23 & RAC winter contest?
Mike & Coreen
ve9aa at nbnet.nb.ca
Sat Dec 19 14:16:05 EST 1998
Hi guys!
Had a blast in the 10m test, even though I couldn't spend more than a few hours each day
playing. Now that I am home from College for the holidays I want to try a bit more contesting.
We'll see you in the RAC winter contest if I can get some kind of software to log this test!
My question is this:
I think this subject has been broached before, but is there a way to get CT v 9.23 to work in
the RAC Winter contest coming up Dec 27th?
Mults are VE provinces, CW & SSB. 160m-2m
USA/DX send RST & serial #, while VE's send RST/province
Also 10 pts for VE, 20 pts for any VE w/ sfx "RAC"
DX/USA worth 2pts.
Rules at :
See you then - - If I can get CT to work...............
-Mike, ve9aa (NB)
Michael & Coreen Smith
271 Smith Rd, Waterville
Sunbury Co, NB, E2V 3V6
Coreen Past Co-President for Orchid Society of New Brunswick)
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Coreen's/ve9aaa personal homepage is at:
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