[CQ-Contest] K5MM - Silent Key

K7LXC at aol.com K7LXC at aol.com
Mon Dec 21 13:10:04 EST 1998

In a message dated 98-12-21 13:00:00 EST, JBaumgarte at AOL.COM writes:

>  My pal said he often got QSL's from exotic locations
>  with only a fuzzy recollection of working the guy!  It seems Dale had so 
> much
>  fun getting the good ones, he often threw in a few extra calls just for
>  measure.  

        Was talking to Dale a Visalia one year after one of the major
Antarctic dxpedition presentations and was lamenting the fact that I hadn't
worked them. Dale corrected me with, "No, Steve. You DID work them". Tnx, OB!

Cheers,   Steve    K7LXC

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