[CQ-Contest] Submission of confirmations via Internet

K3BU at aol.com K3BU at aol.com
Fri Dec 25 18:19:02 EST 1998

In a message dated 12/25/98 2:01:05 PM Eastern Standard Time,
n4zr at contesting.com writes:

<<  So far nobody has been able to come up with a system -- PGP
 >included -- that K5FUV hasn't been able to alter sample submissions with.
 >The study continues...

If expeditions and contest operations submitted their logs to a  common "QSL
Website" then anyone could refer to it for confirmation. Award sponsors can go
and check if the QSO is there. No need for encryption, signatures, etc.
System of standard numbering to refer to the QSO could be worked out and used
by all when filing logs with QSL Website. Something like: call and QSO #. 
Database can be locked, so no one could go and insert themselves in later. QSO
numbering would make that hard too. Establishing and promoting this could be
excellent vehicle for ARRL to assert its importance in our radio life and get
wider support for something this useful. 
Those wishing to obtain printed QSL cards, could do so by downloading the data
from QSL Website, with particular QSL design and print it in B/W or color on
their printer. Another saving in mailing cost etc.
So when one applies for an award just write:
XZ1N  1.8  981203  2120  59 57 #132453   where #132453 is the sequential XZ1N
QSO number since on line logs were submitted to QSL Website database.
This way all stations participating in the system, will submit their logs, and
we will never have to mail the QSL cards out. Anyone wishing to obtain QSL
card can go to the QSL Website, download and print his own (for free). QSO can
be verified anytime by anyone by query to the QSL Website. In order to
redistribute the load, there could be national QSL Websites, which would be
more effective and less work than QSL bureaus do now. It will be automatic.
Everyone uploads the logs, anyone can check validity of QSOs, those wishing to
have paper QSL cards can download and print their own. We can even have
contest logs processed in a matter of days, rather than wait 9 months for
What is wrong with that picture? (Besides "not everybody has a computer".)
Donations to expeditions can be handled electronically also.

Merry Christmas and HNY 99!

Yuri Blanarovich
K3BU, VE3BMV, VE1BY, VA1A, P40A etc.
one of TESLA RC Sparks - N2EE, NT1E

CQ-Contest on WWW:        http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests:  cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com

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