[CQ-Contest] Top Ten Devices

Glen Whitehouse glenw at xtdl.com
Sun Feb 8 07:25:33 EST 1998

I have had a Top Ten Devices Band Decoder box in operation for several
years.  It has performed flawlessly most of the time.  It was hit with a
power surge once and fried one of the chips.  Top Ten immediately repaired
it at no charge.  They said that failures are so rare that they just fix
'em.  If I had the occasion, I would not hesitate to buy more of their
products.  The band decoder box makes operating more fun.  No more
transmitting on the wrong antenna.  It was the one link that I needed to
make my band changing completely automatic.

73 Glen K1GW
Email glenw at xtdl.com

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