[CQ-Contest] SSB Tuning

Dale L. Martin kg5u at hal-pc.org
Fri Feb 13 21:17:36 EST 1998

This week, I operated the Yaesu FT1000/FL7000 operating position
at W5RRR (Johnson Space Center ARC) on SSB in the School Club
Roundup at lunch, a couple of hours after work, and part of this
afternoon--Wow! was 15 open to JA; it was like the old days at
NA5R and NR5M!

Most of the time, I had the RIT off or if it was on, it was
generally Zeroed.

Why were so many stations who called me off frequency?  In some
of cases I asked the operator if his RIT was on and consistently
received "no" responses.  Yet, according to what I was hearing
and where I 'thought' their audio sounded natural,
the RIT was telling me they were as much as 300-400 Hz away from
my frequency.

Now, if it had been consistent that everyone was calling me off
frequency, I would have suspected the FT1000, but this only
occurred in about 10-20 percent of the QSO's I made.

Is this attributable to the differences in the radio's
manufacturers?  Is it consistent across the manufacturer's
series?  If I asked those who answered me 'on frequency', would
they be using FT-1000's?  Yaesu's? or is it just happenstance?

I'm curious....


Dale Martin, KG5U
kg5u at hal-pc.org

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