[CQ-Contest] EU Sprint CW Results
i2uiy at contesting.com
Sat Feb 14 16:16:00 EST 1998
Eu Sprint SSB - Fall 1998 - Final results - Managed by I2UIY
Call Name Q's 80 40 20
1. RW3QC TOM 184 39 58 87
2. UT4UZ JERRY 177 44 75 58
3. DL6RAI BEN 174 37 71 66
4. RA3AUU HARRY 169 35 65 69
5. LY1DS DAN 167 39 64 64
6. US2YW SLAVA 149 38 65 46
7. DL0CS ED 147 44 61 42
8. IK2ANI ALDO 143 32 59 52
9. RK9CWW ANDY 140 27 40 73
10. OK1MD DOS 133 34 55 44
11. LY2BTA ANDY 130 28 53 49
12. LY1DR SAM 129 31 53 45
13. LZ1DM PLAM 128 19 38 71
14. IK1RQQ PAUL 125 17 54 54
DL8OBQ ULI 125 32 45 48
16. LY3ZM DARK 123 29 51 43
17. OK2ZU VOC 121 36 52 33
18. IK4ZHH PHIL 106 8 47 51
19. I1HJT ALF 105 30 33 42
20. S59KW MARKO 104 32 46 26
21. IV3ORB RAF 103 23 47 33
22. LY1DD ROM 102 29 39 34
23. SM5IMO DAN 100 6 52 42
24. IK2QPR PAUL 99 0 41 58
IK4MTF PET 99 22 37 40
26. OK1NG MIRO 98 28 43 27
27. IK2SVF DINO 97 17 43 37
28. UA3DLD ALEX 94 25 30 39
29. IK7YUA MIKE 93 16 37 40
30. SM4AIO ERNIE 90 10 31 49
31. G4WAC LEE 88 1 22 65
32. LY3MM DAN 84 27 20 37
EA3BOX JOAN 84 5 34 45
34. LY8X RYTIS 81 0 25 56
35. I2UIY PAOLO 80 2 36 42
36. UY5ZZ VLAD 79 31 35 13
37. UA4AAC VIC 71 6 27 38
IZ4AKM LEO 71 15 23 33
39. IK2YYS WAL 68 17 30 21
40. OM4KK RON 67 13 28 26
41. OK1FF PETR 64 16 31 17
42. IN3FHE INA 57 17 40 0
OK1KZ PAUL 57 19 27 11
44. S57NW JELKA 56 1 30 25
45. SP5UAF TOM 54 0 27 27
46. UY5TE NICK 52 14 18 20
47. RA3WA VICTOR 49 0 0 49
48. IK4WLL ALEX 48 0 22 26
49. OK1KCF PAVEL 47 16 22 9
50. IK2YSJ JOE 44 0 18 26
51. OH1EH ARI 39 0 0 39
52. IZ2ABP EZIO 37 0 18 19
53. F5NBX FRED 34 0 34 0
54. LZ1ZC BEN 30 0 0 30
55. LZ2FM GENO 29 0 0 29
56. IZ2AIV CRI 25 0 0 25
57. OH2KI JORMA 19 0 0 19
58. TA3J BERKIN 18 0 0 18
SP3XR TAD 18 0 0 18
YU7SF LACI 18 8 0 10
61. IK0WQZ MARIO 15 0 12 3
62. SP4CMW HENRY 14 0 0 14
63. IZ2BHU ROBY 6 0 1 5
Eu Sprint CW - Fall 1998 - Final results - Managed by OK2FD
Call Name Q's 80 40 20
1. LY1DS DAN 196 76 76 44
2. UT4UZ JERRY 177 74 80 23
3. UU2JZ KEN 175 60 76 39
4. LY2BIL RYTIS 168 63 70 35
5. G4BUO DAVE 164 63 84 17
6. G0IVZ JAN 162 57 76 29
7. OF1AF TIMO 158 60 63 35
8. RK9CWW IGOR 156 59 76 21
9. IK3QAR PAOLO 151 53 67 31
10. UY5ZZ VLAD 148 47 68 33
OK2FD KAREL 148 72 60 16
12. RW3FO DIMA 146 50 67 29
13. UT3QW VLAD 144 52 53 39
YL2TW INGUS 144 59 53 32
15. US2YW SLAVA 143 56 71 16
16. OK2ZU VOC 142 60 55 27
17. OK1MD DOS 140 55 58 27
18. EU1TU ART 137 63 44 30
19. LY1DD ROM 132 63 60 9
20. I7ALE SANDRO 131 57 74 0
21. UA9CDV OLEG 121 40 67 14
22. RK3UWA SERGE 117 50 41 26
23. UA3TU ALEX 111 48 63 0
24. RK3BA YURI 108 42 49 17
25. UT5JAJ HARRY 107 55 36 16
26. LY2IJ ARU 100 52 48 0
27. RU4WE VLAD 98 42 56 0
IV3DXW CLA 98 51 38 9
S59KW MARKO 98 40 47 11
30. YO9AGI MIR 93 38 46 9
31. G0JQN JOHN 92 40 46 6
EA5FID JUAN 92 21 58 13
33. EA1AK/7 NACHO 90 5 53 32
ER1DA VAL 90 35 36 19
35. ER1OA IVAN 89 34 38 17
36. IK0TUG AL 84 31 40 13
37. YO8SS ALEX 82 24 48 10
38. RA3XO SANY 76 47 29 0
39. RA3UAG VAL 75 36 39 0
40. OK1FF PETR 71 35 34 2
IN3FHE INA 71 34 37 0
42. UY5TE NICK 69 29 28 12
43. I2UIY PAOLO 68 0 57 11
44. DJ9RR HEYE 67 20 40 7
45. RW3WV IVAN 66 24 31 11
46. IZ3ALS ROB 64 19 36 9
47. IK2NCF FEL 60 25 28 7
48. LY1DR SAM 58 22 16 20
49. LY2BTA ANDY 57 20 35 2
50. IK1QBT TONY 55 14 40 1
51. OK1KZ PAUL 50 24 21 5
DL2ZAV UDO 50 30 20 0
LA2HFA ANDY 50 23 27 0
54. IK4ZHH FIL 49 1 36 12
55. EW3AC ALEX 48 33 15 0
56. I1HJT ALF 45 27 18 0
57. G6QQ DAVE 44 8 33 3
58. OK1KCF PAVEL 42 22 18 2
59. OK1FHI RADEK 33 0 30 3
60. OK2BND JAN 31 0 31 0
61. YU7SF LACI 24 20 4 0
LA4XFA HANS 24 0 24 0
63. DL6RAI BEN 19 0 19 0
64. IT9ORA GIANNI 17 0 0 17
65. LY1DZ OLEG 8 0 4 4
66. SP5XSB PETER 7 0 7 0
67. N6ZZ PHIL 5 0 0 5
LY2CY GEO 5 2 3 0
The EU Sprint Gang hereby invites you to participate in the four European
Sprint Contests held in 1998
Entrants: any licensed station may enter the Sprint. European stations
can work everybody, stations outside of Europe can work only European
Categories: Single Operator ONLY. Only ONE signal may be aired at one time.
SSB: third Saturday in April - 18 April 1998 - managed by G4BUO
CW: third Saturday in May - 16 May 1998 - managed by B.C.C.
SSB: first Saturday in October - 3 October 1998 - managed by I2UIY
CW: second Saturday in October - 10 October 1998 - managed by OK2FD
Time: from 15:00 UTC until 18:59 UTC.
Bands: 20, 40 and 80 meters only. Pilot frequencies are: SSB: 14.250,
7.050, 3.730. CW: 14.040, 7.025, 3.550
Exchange: all of the following data MUST BE PART OF THE EXCHANGE:
a) your callsign,
b) the other station's callsign,
c) your serial number starting from 001 (RST not required),
d) your name or nickname.
Please note that BOTH callsigns MUST be repeated by BOTH stations.
A valid exchange is: "OK2FD de I2UIY 118 Paolo" while "OK2FD 118 Paolo" is
NOT a valid exchange.
Special QSY Rule: if any station initiates a call (by sending CQ, QRZ?,
etc.), he is permitted to work ONLY one station on the same frequency. He
must thereafter move AT LEAST 2 (two) kHz before he may call another
station or before he may solicit again (CQ, QRZ?, etc.) other calls.
Valid contacts: valid contacts are QSOs correctly logged and
confirmed. Each operator may use ONE and ONLY one name during the Sprint.
If the exchange is copied incorrectly, that operator will receive zero
(0) points. In case of miscopied callsigns, both stations will receive
zero (0) points for that QSO.
Scoring: each valid QSO counts one 1 (one) point. The final score is the
total number of QSOs.
Awards: there are NO awards or prizes since these contests have been
created to test the individual skills only. Results will be forwarded as
soon as possible to Leagues, magazines and bulletins.
Logs: a single chronological log is required. PLEASE SEND US YOUR LOG ON A
FLOPPY DISK. Use any of the available software or send a plain ASCII
file. A separate summary sheet is required too. Please send us the
right files: if you use DL2NBU's sw, we want
yourcall.ASC file, if you use N6TR's sw, we want yourcall.DAT file, if
you use the IK4EWK's sw, we want yourcall.DBF file, if you use the EI5DI's
sw, we want yourcall.LOG file. If you want the latest release of the
DL2NBU software, you can download
it from the BCC homepage: http://www.rrze.uni-erlangen.de/~unrz45/BCC. The
link for downloading SPRINT.EXE is:
Logs must be sent NO later than 15 days after the contest to the
appropriate address:
Spring SSB Sprint: Dave Lawley, G4BUO, Carramore, Coldharbour Road,
Penshurst, Kent, TN11 8EX, England, UK.
Spring CW Sprint: Bernhard Buettner, DL6RAI, Schmidweg 17, 85609 Dornach,
Autumn SSB Sprint: Paolo Cortese, I2UIY, P. O. Box 14, 27043 Broni (PV),
Autumn CW Sprint: Karel Karmasin, OK2FD, Gen. Svobody 636, 674 01 Trebic,
Czech Republic.
Logs for any of the four events may also be sent by Internet Mail to
"eusprint at dl6rai.muc.de". The receipt of your electronic log will be
confirmed. If you don't receive a confirmation within two days, try again
or use the postal system.
Thanks in advance for your participation de: G4BUO, I2UIY, OK2FD & the
B.C.C. Sprint Committee.
[ ] Paolo Cortese, I2UIY / IQ2A / N7PMC / OK8AFL
[ ] P. O. Box 14 - 27043 Broni (PV) Italy
[ ] Phone 0039-385-53203
[ ] A.R.I. HF Contest Manager
[ ] CQWW Contest Committee
[ ] WPX RTTY Contest Committee
[ ] Eu Sprint Manager
[ ] E-mail: I2UIY at cqww.com
CQ-Contest on WWW: http://www.contesting.com/_cq-contest/
Administrative requests: cq-contest-REQUEST at contesting.com
More information about the CQ-Contest
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