[CQ-Contest] No QSL, cont.

ROBERT PENNEYS radio at UDel.Edu
Tue Feb 17 07:41:13 EST 1998

I forgot how much fun it was to get flamed.

There were a few others who admitted to QSL no longer, except upon
request. Some of these were well-known operators who have made considerable
contributions to the hobby.

Interestingly enough, the only flaming I got did not address any of these
issues, but only that I held more than one call sign. Besides my own, there
are clubs for which I am responsible and that many of you have worked. One
guy let me know that he wouldn't give a QSO to any of them. Boy, he sure
showed us!

Anyway, I apologize for forgetting a signature block. 

I remain, yours in flamage,

Bob Penneys


presently N9GG    trustee for W3TT W2JJ K3HRO

blood type O positive, I think

Visa no. 4253 7732 3453 5453

FM 29 CQ

Eat FRC Dust!!   Flame on!!

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