[CQ-Contest] East Coast Multi-Multi has operating slots for ARRL CW... Wanna come?

Gerry Hull windev at inetmarket.com
Tue Feb 17 16:30:41 EST 1998


I'll be operating a fun multi-multi from Dave, K1TTT's QTH for ARRL CW
this coming weekend.  Dave has a very potent, competitive station, yet
we currently have only 4 operators for the contest.  

He is located in the Berkshires, in Peru, Mass, in the Northwestern
corner of the state.

Although it's late, if you're interested, please get hold of me ASAP.

You can see a description of Dave's station at:

Big Amps, Big Towers, fully plug & play, and a lot of fun....


-Gerry Hull, W1VE/VE1RM
Greenfield, NH
603-547-2216 w1ve at inetmarket.com

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