[CQ-Contest] ARRL CW: Contacts with ZK1DI

Chuck dietz at texas.net
Mon Feb 23 18:45:59 EST 1998

+Next time try sending "100?" and he may answer "RR"

Chuck, KZ5MM

PerryB1237 at aol.com wrote:

> Gentlemen,
> Did anyone complete a contest contact with ZK1DI (I am pretty sure that was
> his call)?
> Like a lot of people, I found him working a pileup on 10 meters during the
> waning hours of the test.   Many, if not most, calling appeared to be
> contesters, but after a few minutes it was obvious the op was not in the
> contest, and he was firm in  refusing to give a contest exchange.  ("Nil"
> seemed to be his standard response to a request for power).
> It seemed to me to be futile to work him, so I didn't try.  Did he give anyone
> a contest exchange?
> Perry Bradshaw
> K0KD  @ N0NI
> --
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