[CQ-Contest] Propagation Query

Gary A. Nieborsky PE k7fr at televar.com
Wed Feb 25 09:23:37 EST 1998

There appeared to be a lot of skewed path/front-backscatter/voodoo
propagation modes present during the contest.  My best one was on 10M.  I
was beaming VK/ZL/KH (90 deg off of JA) and started picking up JA's. 
Turned the beam toward JA and nada......back to VK/ZL/KH and JA's came
back.  I'm guessing we were working off of some form of scatter mode. 
Turning the beam towards EU (180 from VK/ZL/KH, 90 east from JA) resulted
in zip (nothing to scatter upon?).

Ain't propagation cool?

Gary K7FR
> From: Pete Smith <n4zr at contesting.com>
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Propagation Query
> Date: Wednesday, February 25, 1998 7:34 AM
> On Saturday during the ARRL CW, I worked a brief spate of 50-watt JAs on
> meters around 1500Z.  I was running at the time so don't know if there
> other Asians being heard here as well, and my antenna lacks enough F/B
> ratio for me to be able to say concretely what the path was (I was
> 45 degrees at the time).  Normally, I would have been on 10 or 15 at that
> time of day, so maybe I've just never run into something that everyone
> knows about.  Is this a known opening during decent sunspot levels?
> 73,
> Pete N4ZR
> In Wild Wonderful, fairly rare WEST Virginia
> --
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