[CQ-Contest] Re: Propagation Query

Irek sp3sux at wa3nan.gsfc.nasa.gov
Fri Feb 27 05:50:25 EST 1998

Talking about skewed paths,I remember C91LCK operating 20m ssb
maybe a week ago,here was late,at about 00-01 UTC,with USA,
When I turned my 4ele beam to him (AZ 193 deg) his signal faded,
and when I turned my beam to USA (313 deg) also all US stations
faded ! both sides I could copy quite well having my beam turned
to SA (231 deg) !
I could believe that,I went outside to look at my antenna on the roof
40m up,and saw it properly turned to SA as thr rotor controller
And talking about contest,I was surprised by early signals
from VE7XR on 20m.He appeared here 2-3 hours before others from
west coast,and he was the longest heard west coast station,

Sometimes on clusters I can see LA/SM/OH spotted by US on 20m,
even on 10m,at late night hours here.But although I am some
500 miles south of those heard in NA ,I can't copy anything here.
Nothing copmletely on 20m ...
Once it happened that there was an opening on 10m LA/SM/OH - NA
during late night,and we here had an aurora,good enough for
me for 2m QSOs with LA/SM/OH !

73 de Irek SP3SUX / KH7EA

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