[CQ-Contest] "Worked Before" stupidities

K7bv K7bv at aol.com
Tue Jan 6 01:55:24 EST 1998

In a message dated 98-01-06 01:40:11 EST, john.devoldere at innet.be writes:
<< When someone calls us who's already in our log, we just work him. That
 fair, fast and smart. The computer program will indicate it as a dupe.
 Everybody is happy. 73  John, ON4UN >>

I must agree with John.  On my Contest DXpeditions, I generally do exactly
what John does and work the suspected dupe just in case we got our wires
crossed earlier.  I would hate to have someone miss my mult or Q due to a
possible mistake on my part.  Those little battles, standing on a "WKD B4"
pedistal, do nothing to speed up getting everyone into the log.  Those little
battles can be won by not working the station again but fight enough of these
and you may lose the war...
73 Dennis K7BV   VP2EV P40Z YB9BV VP2EWW CY9AA

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